Black Press and Glacier sign distribution agreements with SendtoNews

Two of Western Canada’s largest publishing groups, Glacier Media and Black Press, have signed distribution partnerships with digital sports news agency SendtoNews. Through a cloud-based platform, the Victoria-based syndication service consolidates, curates and distributes sports video highlights from professional sports leagues and top-tier amateur events, and then makes the inventory for major brand sponsorship and marketing initiatives.

"SendtoNews is the only one-stop service that offers the depth and quality of sports coverage for the local and regional markets we serve," said Glacier Media vice-president, digital media Paul Hecht in a press release.

"SendtoNews’ selection of digital-ready sports video highlights are of interest to our local communities," said Elizabeth Dutton, Black Press Group vice-president, digital. "SendtoNews is allowing us to introduce top-quality video to our online properties while opening up new revenue streams."