Multi-platform media expert Val Hoeppner shared ideas on how to engage and build a digital audience at Newspapers Canada 2015 conference in Toronto.
“In Canada, 49% of our internet time is spent on mobile,” said Hoeppner (that’s much less than the 62% in the US, 66% in Spain and 73% in the UK).
Smartphones are 81% of the phone market.
Smartphones rule our mornings, PCs rule our days, Tablets rule our evenings. They’re not going to read 500 words on their phone on their subway commute, but the audience does need to know what’s going on. Your web audience is different than your mobile – the former have more broadband (video, audio…) – longer reads are at noon, 3 and 7pm.
Our news fills the cracks. When someone has ten minutes free, they browse their phone. Where are those cracks? breakfast, commute, tea time, during a workout (podcasts), when kids go to bed.
“The people who read you in print in the morning are not the same people who read your tablet at night,” said Hoeppner. “We used to just throw our print online, but when we ad video and design…, we’re telling our audience there’s value online.”
– Check out Hoeppner’s website for more resources and tutorials at