CanTrust Index: News Media highly trusted among Canadians

News media are among the most trusted intuitions in Canada according to the inaugural CanTrust Index study, commissioned by Environics Communications. The online survey, the first of its kind in Canada, aims to understand the levels of trust Canadians have in organizations, leaders and industry segments. Researchers asked respondents to use a seven-point scale to rank their trust in various businesses, products, services and governments.

When it comes to Trust in Information Sources, news media – in print and online – was identified as the top source for information about current events, with many news consumers (especially newcomers) preferring to access content via mobile apps. Furthermore, 80 percent of respondents favoured accuracy over speed in news reporting, proving due-diligence is more important to news consumers than rapid reporting.

When respondents were asked to rank different types of organizations in terms of how much they can be trusted to “do what is right for Canada, Canadians and our society,” not-for-profits were identified as the most trusted type of organizations (59%), followed closely by the news media (54%).

“This is a good news story for traditional media,” said Environics CEO Bruce MacLellan. “Trust in the news media is still very strong in Canada.”