Case-Study-Flora pro activ - Packaged Goods reaches Communities_Page_1
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The Challenge: Flora is a soft margarine in the U.K. that is an alternative to butter and hard margarine. Unilever’s Flora pro-activ is a line of products containing plant sterols which are clinically proven to lower cholesterol, a key risk factor in developing heart disease. Customers can buy Flora pro-activ at all major supermarkets. The challenge is to encourage them to do so.

The Objective: To connect with consumers across the country and encourage them to try the Flora pro-activ line.

The Plan: The ad would run as part of an advertorial in newspapers. Papers can effectively reach across the country but the added benefit is the addition of an editorial piece which would be localized. Community members would be featured in the advertorial: their struggles with high cholesterol and pro-activ’s ability to help would be detailed.

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