Case-Study-IBM-Print+Digital Drives to LinkedIn
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The Challenge: Due to a lack of investment in information technology over the past 20 years, Canada was ranked 13th out of 16 countries in innovation and was assigned a “D” rating among major economies by the Conference Board of Canada.

The Objective: IBM, in conjunction with its agency Ogilvy, wanted to encourage Canadian forward-thinkers and business leaders to engage with the topic of Canada’s economic future. The goal was to encourage discussion on business process innovation, and ultimately stimulate investment in technology.

The Plan: IBM worked with newspapers in both print and digital formats to create dedicated sections with objective editorial content on the topic of Canadian business innovation. IBM ads were placed alongside these articles, so the two messages worked in concert. Editorial content was amplified in social media to encourage further discussion.

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  • MAC: Click and hold on image. Then click on “Save Link As.”