NADbank launches integrated newspaper planning tool

NADbank (Newspaper Audience Database) has introduced the first single-source, cross-platform planning tool for the Canadian media industry. In releasing the new program, NADbank called the tool “an initial step to begin thinking about how reach in one channel (print) can be planned alongside another very different channel (a website) to provide insight about the brand footprint for the newspaper as a multi-faceted entity.”

The tool:
• is the first single-source, cross-platform planning tool for the Canadian media industry.
• provides total daily and weekly reach across two different newspaper distribution channels.
• provides the ability to look at a newspaper’s brand footprint in the marketplace.
• allows users to more easily evaluate print products and website properties together in the planning stages of a newspaper campaign.
• is more flexible and more manageable than traditional models (silos) when evaluating duplicated and unduplicated reach of newspaper’s properties.

It is based on the NADbank survey data asking about reading habits not a model based on random duplication. The reach build, duplication and exclusive reach of both print and website editions are based on actual responses from readers.

New data from 2010 demonstrates that readership at individual websites and the Hub sites (, and grows over the week and augments print readership. On the average weekday print readership is augmented by 5% in Halifax to an additional 8% in Calgary. Over the week, migration between print and website readership means readership to both forms of newspapers increases. Website-only readership remains stable at about 6%. Printed editions still remain the dominant format in all markets.

Members will use the tool with the 2010 Supplementary Report data and provide feedback about its use and future improvements to the tool as NADbank and the RoadMap Committee continue to explore a new platform and readership model for the industry.

For more details go to . Resource materials and training are available.

For more information, please contact Anne Crassweller, 416-923-4502,