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Tag: Accreditation

Book your accommodations today for INK+BEYOND 2011

Rooms at the River Rock Casino Resort are now sold out. Accommodations are available for INK+BEYOND conference delegates at the nearby Westin Wall Centre,...

Credit Management in the Age of Digital

Join us in Toronto on May 11-12 for the annual Newspapers Canada Credit Conference. The two-day event promises to be an informative and useful...

Strategic Marketing: Conference summary

  In August 2010 smartFocus Astech held a Strategic Marketing conference in Vail, CO. Below is a brief summary of the conference highlights. Making money beyond...

Marketing and innovation conference

Six internationally renowned marketing gurus will share their knowledge at The Art of Marketing  in Montreal on September 30. The one-day conference is designed...

Making Credit Decisions: A New Service for CCNA Members

The CNA’s advertising agency accreditation and credit rating process has long been an important tool for daily newspapers. Now, community newspapers can take advantage of...