Q: What is the Champions book?
A: This October – just in time for National Newspaper Week 2023 – News Media is launching its first-ever illustrated book entitled Champions. The book aims to celebrate notable Canadian journalists, editors, photographers, and publishers from the Canadian news media Industry.
The book will feature the incredible stories of up to 25 notable Canadians from the newspaper industry who are Champions Of The Truth in their own right in a relatable, easy-to-read, bilingual publication. Custom illustrations by a Canadian artist will accompany each story.
Q: How do I submit a nomination?
A: Nominations can be submitted on the Champions nomination page – via a simple nomination form. You’ll be asked to answer several long and short-answer questions about your nominee. Once submitted your nomination, you’ll receive an on-screen notification and an email confirmation.
Q: Why should I nominate someone?
A: We know there are countless individuals who have worked to keep communities connected and Canadian democracy thriving through a vibrant and independent news media. Nominating someone is a chance to honour and celebrate these individuals and highlight their contributions to the industry.
Q: Who is eligible for nomination for the Champions book?
A: Only those who have worked in the Canadian newspaper industry will be eligible for consideration. This includes journalists, editors, photographers, and publishers. If you have a nominee in mind and are unsure if they are eligible for the Champions book, please reach out to News Media Canada Director of Marketing & Research at klevson@newsmediacanada.ca for confirmation of eligibility.
Q: Does my nominee need to be currently working in the news media industry?
A: No – nominees can be from any point in Canada’s news media history up to the present day. Current/active members of the news media industry and those who have passed away are all eligible for nomination.
Q: What information do I need to complete a nomination?
A: You will be asked to answer a series of questions. A full list of the questions and word count limits can be found here.
Q: How are Champions selected?
A: All nominees will then be evaluated by an independent selection committee based on predetermined criteria, including:
- Nominees who raise the profile of Canada’s news media industry and inspire the next generation.
- Nominees who demonstrate a commitment to sharing informative, truthful, and factual news with their communities.
- Nominees who contribute to community public service (i.e. an industry pioneer, introducing new programs having an impact on the Canadian news media industry at large or a long-standing commitment to their community).
Q: How was the selection committee chosen?
A: The selection committee comprises a pool of experienced members of the news media industry from across Canada.
Q: Can I nominate more than one person?
A: Yes – you are more than welcome to nominate as many people as you’d like.
Q: Can I nominate the same person more than once?
A: No. Duplicate submissions will be removed during the review process.
Q: Can I nominate myself?
A: Yes – you can nominate yourself. Please ensure that all information submitted is accurate.
Q: Can I nominate an individual who has worked outside the Canadian news media industry?
A: Yes – as long as they’ve also worked in the Canadian newspaper industry and have contributed to the Canadian news media industry per the nomination criteria. Any work and/or contributions outside of Canada will not be applicable.
Q: Is my submission confidential?
A: While the actual nomination submissions are confidential (only the Champions selection committee and News Media Canada and its agencies will view them), the information provided in the nomination form may be used to develop the biographies in the Champions book. Any sensitive or proprietary information on the nominee should be indicated in the nomination form.
Q: Do I need to let the person I nominate know that I am nominating them?
A: No – you do not need to notify your nominee that you are nominating them. However, all nominees (or families/estates for those who have passed away) will be contacted and informed of who nominated them should they be selected for the Champions book.
Q: Is there a cost associated with my submission?
A: No – it’s completely free to nominate a Champion.
Q: What is the Early Bird Incentive?
A: Individuals who submit a nomination before Monday, February 20, 2023, will be entered to win one of five News Media Canada prizes (one Ola Volo print and four newspaper tie/scarf packages). Winners will be contacted via email following the closure of the nomination period.
Q: Will I be able to edit my nomination after it has been submitted?
A: No. Once a nomination has been submitted, it is no longer editable. Please ensure that all of the information and content is accurate and correct before submitting the nomination for consideration.
Q: When will we find out what Champions were selected?
A: The shortlist of Champions will be publicly shared in early fall 2023.
Q: Will the Champions book be available for purchase?
A: The book will be released and sold to the public in early fall 2023 with net proceeds going to First Book Canada.