When Social Media Blocks Your News

Industry Ad Campaign

It is time to support Canadian media.

With threats of social media blocking access to news sources, let’s encourage Canadians to visit our trusted Canadian news sources to get their news directly.

News Media Canada has produced the house ads below in print and digital formats for publishers to run on their own social media channels or in their printed pages, and on their websites.

Click the download buttons below to access ad material. 

Publishers are encouraged to add their own logo and link to their own news sites for social and digital formats.  Source files are provided to add your logo and create custom ad sizes if needed.  Captions are provided for social media placements.

If you have questions please contact Kelly Levson, Director of Marketing and Research at klevson@newsmediacanada.ca.

Download social media images for Facebook/Instagram (feed posts/Stories).  Source files are available to customize and add your own logo. Don’t forget to tag @NewsMediaCanada.

Suggested caption if you add your own logo and link to your own site:

Your local newspaper is the best source for reliable, fact-based news.  Four out of five people in Canada already trust newspapers to provide the news that matters most to them.  Pick up [INSERT YOUR NEWSPAPER NAME] or visit our website for news from a trusted Canadian news source.

Suggested caption if you are linking to www.ChampiontheTruth.ca:

Your local newspaper is the best source for reliable, fact-based news.  Four out of five people in Canada already trust newspapers to provide the news that matters most to them.  Pick up your local paper or visit their website for news from trusted Canadian news sources.

Download print source files (InDesign) including print ready PDFs in colour and black and white (size 5″x5″).

Download digital ad material in the following formats: leaderboard (728×90 pixels), big box (300×250 pixels).  Link ads to your own site or www.championthetruth.ca.