National Newspaper Week 2024

October 6-12, 2024

Publishers’ Toolkit

National Newspaper Week is a chance to reflect on the essential service newspapers provide with diverse, local, original content that cannot be found anywhere else.

National Newspaper Week 2024 will celebrate the real work of real journalists, who inform, champion and challenge our society by providing trusted, local original content that cannot be found anywhere else.

News Media Canada is pleased to provide this Publishers’ Toolkit, with the official material for National Newspaper Week 2024.

We encourage newspapers to download the materials below to help celebrate National Newspaper Week and promote the enduring strength of the newspaper industry.

Publishers are encouraged to support National Newspaper Week with the resources below.

  • National Advertising Campaign – publish a full/half-page print ad and/or run digital ads
  • Reader Engagement – run op-eds, publish matte stories, or host community outreach events to recognize your local champions
  • Local Influencer Engagement – reach out to notable local leaders for support
  • Small Space/Filler Ads – use our small space ads as filler during the month of October
  • Social Media Support – post the campaign ad image to your social media channels
  • Carrier Appreciation – encourage readers to thank carriers with our 2023 ad (if applicable)

National Advertising Campaign: Reality Check

Participate in the nationwide advertising campaign running in newspaper pages and websites the week of October 6, 2024.

Publishers are encouraged to publish a half-page print ad and/or digital ads.

Ad material will be available in a variety of formats and sizes.  Print-ready PDFs, as well as working files (InDesign), will be available. Publishers are encouraged to add their own logos where possible. Custom sizes may be available on request.

PRINT sizes: banner (10×3), quarter page (5×5), half page (10×7)

DIGITAL sizes:  leaderboard (728×90), big box (300×250), billboard (970×250), tall block (300×600), mobile (300×50)

Coming Soon!

Social Media Support

Want to promote National Newspaper Week on social media?

Download specially sized images to share on social media to support the messaging in our national ad campaign.

Program hashtags #NationalNewspaperWeek and #ChampionsOfTheTruth.

Coming Soon!

Small Space/Filler Ads

Use small space ads to promote National Newspaper Week 2024 to your readers.

Choose from a variety of sizes (2×15, 3×60, 4×10, 4×15, 4×40).

Coming Soon!

Reader Engagement

Choose from a selection of op-ed material and editorial stories written especially for National Newspaper Week.  Help your readers understand the critical role of newspapers and why we celebrate each year.


Use with credit or as inspiration to write your own.  Click on the images/links below to download a zip file including photos.

Coming Soon!

Editorial Matte Stories

Use stories as written, or use as inspiration to write your own.

News Media Canada has also produced custom photos for members to use free of charge with any of the matte stories below.

Click the links below to download.

Coming Soon!

Local Influencer Engagement

Promote National Newspaper Week by engaging LOCAL influencers and notable community leaders (including your own staff and reporters!) and ask them to post messages of support on their own social media accounts. Click here for more details.

Click through the image gallery to the right for examples from previous National Newspaper Week celebrations.  Click on the image for a larger view.

Carrier Appreciation Ad

Carrier Appreciation Day will be celebrated on Saturday, October 11, to recognize the critical role of newspaper carriers in providing Canadians with access to trusted journalism.

Coming Soon!

Download the National Newspaper Week Logo

Click the logo image below to download the new 2024 National Newspaper Week/Champions of the Truth logo.

A variety of formats are included. (.zip)

Coming Soon!

Download the Champions Font

Inspired by the essential service that newspapers provide, the Champions font highlights the power of words and the people behind the press who use them to communicate essential information to Canadians each and every day.

Champions is a geo-humanist font that incorporates both humanistic traits — which mimic hand motions reflecting the craft and artistry that goes into producing credible news each day — and highly geometric shapes — which represent the structure and rigour of fact-checking, editing, and producing high-quality credible content newspapers are known for.

Champions:  The Book

To celebrate National Newspaper Week 2023, News Media Canada created a first-ever illustrated book, Champions, which honoured notable Canadian journalists, editors, photographers, publishers and more.

Champions is a bilingual publication that includes 24 inspirational stories of people in Canada who have championed the truth in their own right through their contributions to the news media industry, their communities, and our country. The champions featured were selected by a panel of industry professionals based on an open call for nominations.

The Champions book also features News Media Canada’s custom font (also entitled Champions) and illustrations by Canadian visual artist Rachel Joanis, who crafted the cover art and custom portraits throughout.

The Champions book is currently available as an e-book or as a free digital download at

If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Levson, Director of Marketing and Research, at