Making print newspapers come alive with augmented reality

What if you didn’t just read your printed newspaper, but truly experienced it? Publications enhanced with augmented reality are now allowing newspaper readers to experience...

Marketing expert Peter Lamb shares his advice for building a winning...

Strategic marketing consultant Peter Lamb led a two-hour interactive sales workshop at INK+BEYOND on May 3. His presentation was designed to get newspaper delegates...

Real Time Bidding (RTB) allows publishers to tap into remnant ad...

Real Time Bidding (RTB) has received a lot of hype over the past year, but is it deserving of all the attention? Raymond Reid,...

Stats and storytelling: Bringing data-driven journalism to life

Fred Vallance-Jones knows a lot of journalists got into the business with the hopes of avoiding the big M – Math. Does the growing...

Changing values, demographics and economics are reshaping Canada

When Canadian research centre EKOS polled Canadians on their most important goals and values, they found that the top results had been persistent for...

Humanitarian crises: when and how to report

Journalists are humans too. We live and breathe stories, events and sometimes crises, so how does that come out in our reporting? This was one...

Canadian journalists honoured at World Press Freedom Day luncheon

In 2012, there were 107 journalists killed, 193 imprisoned and 38 kidnapped. One of those 38 is Jim Foley. Missing since November 22, 2012,...

Driving employee engagement

Employee engagement in Canadian media companies is lower than the national average Neil Crawford of Aon Hewitt told newspaper delegates at the INK+BEYOND conference...

World Press Freedom Panel

In keeping with World Press Freedom Day, INK+BEYOND 2013 hosted a World Press Freedom Panel comparing and contrasting accessibility of information in Canada and...

The magic formula of sustainability: corporate executives and environmentalists working together

Sometimes mountains do move as Nicole Rycroft and her team of environmentalists at Canopy discovered when they set their sights on the newspaper industry. Canopy’s...