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Tag: Editorial

This week’s featured course on Newspaper Training: What it Takes to...

Everyone has an opinion. But few get the delicious opportunity to disseminate it to thousands of people reflecting the readership of a newspaper. In...

This week’s featured course on Newspaper Training: The Ins and Outs...

Investigative journalism requires a painstaking amount of diligence and perseverance, frequently in the face of a lack of cooperation and information sharing. Because of...

This week’s featured course on Newspaper Training: The Hows and Whys...

Is biased journalism always a problem? Or can it be admired as advocacy journalism? In this video interview and downloadable white paper, host Tim...

Newspaper Training: How to Write an Editorial Page that Reflects Your...

Energized newspapers are at the foundation of energized communities. Community newspapers – whether delivering information in the print, on the web or in social...

Journalism Matters

Dedicate a special celebratory page in your newspaper to National Newspaper Week. Include some of your best editorial features over the years, historical archive highlights, and more!

The public struggles to distinguish ‘facts’ from ‘opinions’ in the news

A new U.S.-based research survey by the Pew Research Center shows that many members of the public struggle to differentiate between factual and opinion...

This week’s featured course on Newspaper Training: What it Takes to...

Everyone has an opinion. But few get the delicious opportunity to disseminate it to thousands of people reflecting the readership of a newspaper. In...

This week’s featured course on Newspaper Training: The Ins and Outs...

Investigative journalism requires a painstaking amount of diligence and perseverance, frequently in the face of a lack of cooperation and information sharing. Because of...

This week’s featured course on Newspaper Training: How to Write an...

Energized newspapers are at the foundation of energized communities. Community newspapers – whether delivering information in the print, on the web or in social...

Bell Media confirms layoffs of local news and sports employees

Bell Media is laying off employees at local radio and television stations across the country, reports Postmedia. Unifor, the union representing on-air and broadcasting technicians at...