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Tag: Freedom of Information

2005 Freedom of Information Audit

To view the 2005 FOI Audit download the file attachment below:

Public’s Right to Know in Failing Health in Canada

CNA Access to Information Study Slams Bureaucracies that Block Requests For Canadians trying to get answers about how governments make decisions affecting their daily lives,...

Community newspaper reporter on Nova Scotia FOIPOP committee

A community newspaper reporter will be part of a committee to review the Nova Scotia Freedom of Information Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP). Keith Corcoran,...

Amendments to B.C. FOIA ‘turn out the lights’ on public scrutiny

The British Columbia provincial government is attempting to change the provinceÔÇÖs Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIA) laws in a way that...

Supreme Court refuses to hear N.S. FOI appeal

The Supreme Court of Canada's has refused to hear a Nova Scotia government appeal of a ruling ordering the release of background information on...