2023 CCNA winners for Best Local Civic Journalism

The Canadian Community Newspaper Awards honour outstanding work in editorial, photography, multimedia and overall excellence in community newspaper publishing across the country.

Congratulations to the 2023 CCNAwards winners for Best Local Civic Journalism (circulation 10,000+).

The quality of the entries in this category is extremely high and any one of them is worthy of recognition. It is extraordinary how many important civic issues are raised and covered by newspapers across the country. This is what the industry does best!  All of the entries went to great lengths to research and tell a balanced story.”

1st Place – The Lake Report, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON – “Hit farmworker exposes dirty laundry” – Somer Slobodian
“The Lake report covered an impressive number of civic issues, all of which were worthy of the award. However what set this issue out was the comprehensiveness and the willingness to keep on the story. It is also truly impressive to see a newspaper  champion the cause of members of the community who otherwise may not have a voice.”

2nd Place – The Beaver, Oakville, ON – “Series on crime in region” – David Lea, Bambang Sadewo, Roland Cilliers
“The Beaver’s series on crime is truly impressive. It is clearly a big issue in the community and the paper succeeded in telling citizens the story. Well researched, well written and very balanced. It is a subject matter where it is often hard to avoid drama and they didn’t take the easy way.”

3rd Place – Peace Arch News, Surrey, BC – “Mental health housing facility to close after 50 years; looming closure devastates Buena Vista residents.” – Sobia Moman
“A very powerful and moving story about a real community issue. The story was well researched and beautifully written and had appropriate personal stories. Once again a newspaper speaking out for the most disadvantaged in the community.”

The 2023 CCNAwards recognize the outstanding work produced in 2022 and celebrate the vibrancy of community newspapers across Canada. Award winners were announced on September 15, 2023.  For a full list of winners click here.