CJF event focuses on climate-solutions journalism

In advance of COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow later this month, the Canadian Journalism Foundation (CJF) is holding a...

Upcoming Webinar: Civic Literacy

Ahead of the 2015 federal election, ABC Life Literacy Canada and Elections Canada have partnered to create A Guide...

Register for INK+BEYOND before April 25 to save $100

Don't miss your chance to attend Canada's premier newspaper event for less! Sign up for INK+BEYOND 2014 before the...

Business of Digital webinar series continues

On November 24th & 25th, IAB Canada will be hosting a webinar where participants can learn about the latest...

Upcoming CNA/CCNA Webinars: Newspaper Training Made Easy

As a way to deliver cost-effective training to members across the country, the CNA schedules a webinar series from...

Ink & Beyond Video: John Paton

"Digital first, print last" is the mantra of John Paton, Journal Register CEO and co-founder of impreMedia. Paton says...

Two-part SEO webinar series begins March 19

Newspapers Canada’s search engine optimization (SEO) webinar series begins Tuesday, March 19 with SEO for Executives. Learn how to...

Media in Transformation: ABC Conference Speaker Summary

Paul Godfrey, president and CEO at Postmedia Network, gave delegates at the annual Audit Bureau of Circulations conference in...

Changing values, demographics and economics are reshaping Canada

When Canadian research centre EKOS polled Canadians on their most important goals and values, they found that the top...

Ink begone, digital must come first: Paton

The biggest investment newspapers are going to have to make to transform is in IT support. At least that's...