John Hinds on his hopes for Canadian media in 2020

Speaking with Media in Canada for its annual Industry Wish List, News Media Canada president and CEO John Hinds...

This Week’s Featured Course on Newspaper Training: A Photographer’s Workshop

Craig Hodge is a veteran newspaper photographer. Craig began his career as a photojournalist in 1974 in Coquitlam at...

SaltWire Network’s Newfoundland and Labrador weekly publications have a new digital home

After many years of running multiple websites, Saltwire Network has announced that it has moving all Newfoundland and Labrador...

This Week’s Featured Course on Newspaper Training: How to Create Highly Effective Newspaper Ads

This module is for advertising reps and designers. Learn how you can improve ad effectiveness and bring in more...

The Biggar Independent has new owners

It is time to bid farewell to Daryl and Peg Hasein, owners and publishers of Saskatchewan's Biggar Independent. Both...

This Week’s Featured Course on Newspaper Training: Why Customer Service is More Important Than...

As newspapers struggle to compete and watch their resources dwindle, it might be all too easy to let customer...

This is your big chance to own a newspaper

Have you ever thought of owning your own newspaper? The Davidson Leader has been providing the voice of Davidson, Saskatchewan...

This Week’s Featured Course on Newspaper Training: Sports Photography – Beyond Peak Action

Learn to capture intensity and emotion in sports photography in this training module led by award-winning sports photographer Amber...

Quebec community newspaper rebuilds as a community non-profit

In November 2018, The Gleaner, a community newspaper based in Quebec, was struggling. Instead of closing down, a non-profit...

This Week’s Featured Course on Newspaper Training: Getting the Product to Market

Even Houdini might be impressed. The daily task of getting the news delivered to thousands of readers, in a...