Toronto Star launches web app for tablet devices

The Toronto Star is the first Canadian news publisher to create a web-based HTML 5 app for its online...

Torstar digital and Rogers Media form technology joint venture

Rogers Communications Inc. is entering into an equal partnership with Torstar Digital in managing and developing Total Online Publishing...

Twitter launches Twitter for Newsrooms

Twitter has launched a new online resource for journalists titled Twitter for Newsrooms. Twitter has launched a new online resource...

iCircular mobile coupons coming to 40 US newspapers

Major newspapers in the US are partnering with the Associated Press and retailers to launch a new digital service...

Local Newspapers: Trusted and True webinar now available

Earlier this month, News Media Canada held three webinar sessions that coincided with the release of our new study...

Globe and Mail launches iPad app

The Globe and Mail has developed a news app for Apple’s iPad. The Globe and Mail for iPad app,...

Access data on more than 8,000 North American newspapers

North American periodical database has launched a free newspaper app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Users can...

Polar Mobile and Nokia team up to develop mobile apps for over 300 brands

Nokia is partnering with Toronto-based developer Polar Mobile to build over 300 mobile apps for its smartphone devices. Polar...

New director at Google Canada

Chris O'Neill will begin as Google’s newly appointed country director for Canadian operations this week. O’Neill, who will be...

The Photo Doctor is in!

Newspapers Canada is pleased to launch a new training series for photojournalists. Photo Doctor is a two-minute feature that...