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Free Local Media Association Webinar: “Cold Calling Alternative: Learn How to...

Cold calls have lost much of their effectiveness over the past few years. Stop chasing down potential clients and get them to come to...

Online Media Campus Webinar: Personalizing the Customer Journey

Personalization is the key to a great ROI. When businesses send their customers relevant information, they drastically increase their chances of making the sale....

Newspapers influential in Financial category

Vividata collects a wealth of information on the financial industry and newspapers including ownership of various financial products, media reliance for investment purchase decisions,...

Submit your entries now for the Great Idea Awards

Need some inspiration for the New Year? Newspapers Canada’s annual Great Idea Awards celebrate the most innovative and creative revenue-generating initiatives by Canadian newspapers....

Community Newspapers are a billion dollar industry

Total 2014 advertising revenue for community newspapers in Canada was $968 million.  Community newspapers also reported an additional $90 million in other related revenue. Highlights...

Newspapers are top traditional media source to influence purchase decisions

The most recent Vividata research finds that almost a quarter (22%) of Canadians live in households who expect to purchase a vehicle in the...

Show off your revenue-generating projects at the Great Idea Awards

Newspapers Canada is now accepting entries for our annual Great Idea Awards. This unique national awards program recognizes innovative revenue-generating campaigns undertaken by our...

New Industry Campaign Ads: Newspapers. Mobile since 1752

Newspapers drive purchases of mobile devices. Print and online newspapers are a top resource for people making mobile phone and tablet purchase decisions,...

Marketing Feature: Financial Industry Ads

Newspapers Canada has created a series of powerful industry ads for member newspapers to use in their publications. This third set of ads is...

Newspapers present the advertising in a trusted, engaging environment

From reader trust and influence to multi-platform effectiveness and engagement, research shows newspaper media companies are the place to advertise. Newspapers Canada has prepared...