Tell us what you think

The Canadian Community Newspapers Association (CCNA) is seeking input from members, trade partners and other convention attendees, to better tailor the convention to the needs of the industry.

We want to know what about past conventions you liked or disliked, what kind of topics and sessions you would like to see featured, any leads you may have on exciting industry speakers, and what else might motivate you to attend the convention.

Visit and fill out the comment form provided. Alternatively, you can submit your comments by email to Tina Ongkeko at

The 2006 CCNA convention will be held in historic Quebec City. The event will take place from May 24 to 27, and will be co-hosted by the Quebec Community Newspapers Association. A committee chaired by CCNA director Heather Dickson from Quebec will lead the development of the program schedule, along the theme of “Sant├®,” examining the health of the industry. More information will be provided as details are confirmed.