Daily newspaper journalists between the ages of 20 to 25 have just one week left to submit their work for the 23rd annual Goff Penny Memorial Prizes for Young Journalists. We ask that members of the Canadian Newspaper Association (CNA) encourage their young staff members and interns to participate in this prestigious competition.
The awards are open to young daily newspaper journalists working for CNA-member daily newspapers. Freelance writers and student interns whose work has been published in a CNA-member newspaper are also eligible to compete. Cash prizes of $1,500 will be awarded in two circulation categories: Under 25,000 and 25,000 and Over.
The entry deadline for this year’s competition is Tuesday, February 18, 2014.
The winners of the 2013 competition will be honoured at the upcoming INK+BEYOND newspaper conference in Charlottetown, PEI.
Visit www.newspaperscanada.ca/goff-penny-awards for more information and entry forms.
For more information about the competition, please contact Taylor Kormann at tkormann@newspaperscanada.ca.