Support your local economy with the Proud Advertiser campaign

Member community newspapers can still sign up for the Proud Advertiser Program Benefit.  As long as you can run at least 1 ad in April, you can still qualify for the $300 program benefit, designed to kick start the Proud Advertiser campaign.

Papers across the country are launching this program with great response from their advertisers.

“Businesses on main street in Davidson, SK get the value of the Proud Advertiser program. It is refreshing to walk into a business and give them something for a change. The Shop Local message resonates with rural SK businesses. They are thanking me for doing this!” – Tara de Ryck, Davidson Leader, Davidson, SK

“We are very excited with the initial response we are receiving with our Proud Advertiser program and foresee it lasting for a very long time as we enter the different phases you have created.”  – Nicole Fawcett, The Reporter, Port Hawkesbury, NS

“The Proud Advertiser program is a terrific incentive for us to be doing what we should be doing all the time – recognizing our advertising supporters and highlighting the beneficial connection between a strong local business community and strong local media. It has reminded us to engage with our advertisers and our readers and deepen our relationship with both. Thanks News Media Canada for the nudge in the right direction!” – Tim Shoults, Kamloops This Week, BC

To qualify for the Proud Advertiser Program Benefit follow these four steps (click the links below to go directly to the NMC webpages):

1.      Opt-in to qualify for the $300 Program Benefit. (login required)

2.      Order your free custom Proud Advertiser stickers online by completing the form and uploading your logo.

3.      Publish at least 1 ad in any size (excluding filler ads) in the same issue as an editorial introducing your readers to the campaign.

4.      Upload your proof of publication (ad + editorial) online here, at the bottom of the page. (login required)

Email Kelly Levson at for any questions or assistance launching Proud Advertiser in your market!