Google and Facebook dominate Canadian digital advertising

The latest research from the Canadian Media Concentration Research Project (CMCRP) confirms that Google and Facebook receive 42 cents of every advertising dollar in Canada.

Two new reports have been released that provide a deep analysis of the Canadian media economy including the change and growth in the industry as well as media concentration.

Highlights include:

  • $86 billion: The size of Canada’s network media economy, up from $19.4 billion in 1984, the starting reference point for the CMCRP studies.
  • $358.50: Per capita advertising spend in Canada in 2018, down from an all-time high of $365.60 in 2008.
  • $4 billion: Canadian spending on online video, music, gaming and app stores, up from just $1.4 billion in 2014.
  • 10.8 million: Cable subscribers in 2018, down from 11.5 million in 2012. Accounting for population growth, 76% of all households subscribed to a cable television service last year—down from 85.6% in 2011. (Although those losses have largely been recaptured through price increases for cable TV and broadband internet access, which have far outpaced the consumer price index).

Read more about the CMRCP in this recent article in The Message.