The Globe and Mail launches The Globe Women’s Collective to help address gender inequities in Canadian business

The Globe and Mail has partnered with several organizations to launch The Globe Women’s Collective, a new initiative to help shine a light on continued gender inequities for women in business.

The Globe Women’s Collective is a new online section, a weekly email newsletter, and a series of public webcasts and exclusive roundtable events about the challenges and opportunities for women in business in Canada.

It is being developed in response to Power Gap, an investigative series by The Globe and Mail that found women continue to be outnumbered, outranked and outearned by men.

In Power Gap, The Globe reported women in executive roles make 56 per cent less than men; women occupied just 17 per cent of board seats at companies listed on the TSX in 2019; and only 21 per cent of university presidents in Canada are women.

The Globe Women’s Collective is designed to set female employees up for success by providing insights, knowledge, and expertise to move the needle and create necessary change to close these and other gaps.

The inaugural year of The Globe Women’s Collective is supported by founding partner, Visa Canada, and brand partners Aviso Wealth, Dentons Canada LLP, First Capital REIT, KPMG in Canada, Novo Nordisk, McKinsey & Co., OMERS, and Suncor.

“We’re very pleased to have the support of such a wide range of organizations to launch The Globe Women’s Collective,” says Phillip Crawley, CEO and Publisher of The Globe and Mail. “We hope that by providing our readers with more insight into the experience of women in business we can help drive meaningful change.”

The Globe Women’s Collective section launched on September 10, and the new Women and Work newsletter launches September 15. The first Globe and Mail Women’s Collective public virtual event will take place on November 3.

You can also subscribe to the new Women and Work newsletter here