Community newspapers across Canada will be eligible to enter the National Newspaper Awards this year for the first time.
Revisions to contest rules approved September 27 by the organization’s Board of Governors include a provision to open the competition to community newspapers (often known as “weeklies”) provided that they publish original content in print or online at least five days a week.
The National Newspaper Awards were established in 1949 to encourage excellence and reward achievement in Canadian daily newspaper journalism. News agencies operating in Canada have also been eligible since the outset, and over the past decade eligibility has been further extended to news organizations that publish exclusively online on a daily basis. As of the 2018 competition, eligibility is also being extended to organizations that publish print editions weekly or more frequently, provided that they make original content available to readers online on close to a daily basis (i.e. at least five days a week).
You can read more about this exciting changes here.