Introducing our ‘Proud Advertiser’ ad campaign

Following the National Newspaper Week ad campaign in October, we’re ready to continue the conversation that Newspapers Matter, Now More Than Ever.

In January, we’ll provide member publications with the first part of a multi-phased campaign targeted at local advertisers – who we know play a crucial role in maintaining an independent and vibrant newspaper industry.

You can use this campaign to remind your local market advertisers of the incredible benefits associated with advertising in your newspaper.

  1. The first phase – a teaser ad – will be available early in the New Year so that you can run it throughout the month of January. The message will encourage consumers to support the local businesses that support your local newspaper. We will provide you with customizable ads so you can feature the names and possibly logos of your local advertisers. These ads will be created in various sizes so you can use them to fill available space in your paper. Material will be available to download from the News Media Canada website during the first week of January 2019. Start thinking now about who you may want to feature in these ads.
  2. Then, in February, we’ll provide you with the second phase of the campaign which you’re welcome to run anytime throughout the year. This phase will include a “Proud Advertiser” sticker (printed + digital) which you can distribute to local businesses who advertise in your paper and encourage them to proudly display it. Additionally, we’ll provide you with print and digital ads that encourage consumers to look out for the sticker when shopping, and which will be customizable as well, with the opportunity to add your newspaper’s logo.

This campaign is being developed as part of the Heritage funding for the National Newspaper Week project and we are hoping that you will find it an exciting way to engage and support local advertisers. Watch our website and newsletter for more details!

For more information contact Kelly Levson at

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