Nominate your colleagues for CCNA’s Quill Recognition Program

The Canadian Community Newspaper Association is proud to recognize our members’ longstanding service to the community newspaper industry through...

Apply now for this year’s Michener Award and Fellowships

Canadian newspapers are encouraged to submit their outstanding examples of public service journalism for the annual Michener Award. The...

Less than three weeks left to enter the CCNA & Great Idea Awards!

Don't miss out on your chance to earn prestigious industry accolades for your newspaper. There are less than three...

Call for entries: CAJ awards

The Canadian Association of Journalists has released information packages for its annual awards, which include the Don McGillivary Award...

Apply for the 2016 Grace-Pépin Access to Information Award

The Information Commissioner of Canada had launched a call for nominations for the 2016 Grace-Pépin Access to Information Award....

Gord Hoekstra wins the Jack Webster Award

Prince George Citizen (BC) investigative reporter Gord Hoekstra won the Jack Webster Award for excellence in business, industry and...

Call for entries: CMA Media Awards for Health Reporting

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is now accepting entries for the 2011 Media Awards for Health Reporting. The annual...

Canadian newspapers nominated for North American Digital Media Awards

The Globe and Mail, La Presse, Le Devoir, and le Journal de Montréal are the Canadian publications garnering nominations...

Enter your outstanding newspaper ads for the 2015 Extra Awards

The annual Extra Awards celebrate the finest advertising in newspaper media across print, online, tablet, mobile, social media and...

Nominations for future newspaper leaders competition now open

Editor & Publisher magazine wants to recognize the next generation of newspaper publishing leaders. Once again, they are running their 'Publishing...