Is no local news bad news? Local journalism and its future

The challenges faced by local journalism are often overshadowed by concerns about the state of national news media. Increasingly,...

CJF J-Talk: The Changing Ways Canadians Get Their News

How are Canadians getting their news, and whom do they trust to provide it? How do perceptions differ between...

Sign up for FREE training webinars this October

Looking for an affordable and convenient way to improve your professional skills while gaining new insights into today’s changing...

One Year Later: the Liberal government’s record on transparency

What is the Liberal government’s record on open government after its first year in power? What are its plans...

AWNA to host 2013 Newspaper Symposium in February

The Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association (AWNA) will host its annual Newspaper Symposium on February 1-2, 2013 at the Delta...

Help promote Family Literacy Day next week

Newspapers Canada encourages publications of all sizes to participate in Canada’s largest family literacy event. On Friday, January 27,...

Improve your bottom line at API Canada

In today’s challenging media environment, nothing is more important than finding successful ways to build revenue. The Canadian Newspaper...

The new newsroom: How hyperlocal “news cafes” are taking the Czech news scene by...

While newspapers scramble to figure out how to turn a profit in a quickly evolving industry, a small group...

Help promote World Press Freedom Day with free editorials, ads, cartoons and more

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) has released a package of free materials for newspapers to...

Newspapers Canada members receive discounted passes for World News Media Congress

Media executives from 80 countries will come together in Washington, D.C. on June 1-3, 2015, for the 67th annual...