Learn how to leverage social media for advertising sales success

Social media provides newspapers with new and often untapped opportunities for advertising lead generation and relationship building. On Tuesday,...

Celebrity Gossip: Guilty Pleasure or Real News?

News stories about Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian drive traffic to news websites and garner plenty of shares on...

INK+BEYOND early-bird registration is March 26

Time is running out to take advantage of special early-bird pricing for Canada’s national newspaper conference. Sign up online...

CJF J-talk: Election 2015: What Stories Swing Votes?

With Canadians headed to the polls no later than October, are voters looking for news stories on the horse...

Free Webinar: Money-Making Content Ideas for Newspapers

Join Newspapers Canada for a free one-hour webinar on Thursday, June 5, at 12:00 PM EDT, led by Candide...

Improve your bottom line at API Canada

In today’s challenging media environment, nothing is more important than finding successful ways to build revenue. The Canadian Newspaper...

Workshop: The Publisher’s Guide to CASL Compliance

On Wednesday, November 23, the Direct Marketing Association of Canada is hosting a publishers’ seminar in Toronto focused on...

INK+BEYOND comes to Charlottetown next week

Newspapers Canada is looking forward to welcoming all of our delegates, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors to the INK+BEYOND conference...

Family Literacy Day is January 27

Every year on January 27, ABC Life Literacy Canada hosts Family Literacy Day, the largest national family literacy event...

Driving employee engagement

Employee engagement in Canadian media companies is lower than the national average Neil Crawford of Aon Hewitt told newspaper...