Globe and Mail changes its online investment tools

For thousands of loyal Globe and Mail  subscribers, an important part of their daily routine is checking their portfolios and investments...

Check out the National Newspaper Week celebrations in Maple Creek, SK

As part of last month's National Newspaper Week celebrations, the Maple Creek News hosted a Customer Appreciation Day. The local paper opened its doors and invited readers to come and enjoy some coffee and cookies, get to know the staff and bring in some story ideas.

The Winnipeg Free Press shines a ‘spotlight’ on journalism

As part of this year’s National Newspaper Week celebrations the Winnipeg Free Press hosted a free screening of the award winning movie “Spotlight” at the Winnipeg Art Gallery.

The Globe and Mail launches new brand campaign

Earlier this month the Globe and Mail launched its 2018 campaign called 'Journalism Matters to You.' While the first...

The BCYCNA is now the BC and Yukon Community NewsMedia Association

Last month, BCYCNA held a Special General Meeting to discuss some possible changes to our overall constitution and bylaws,...

Why Newspapers Matter: Clark’s Crossing Gazette

During National Newspaper Week, the award-winning newspaper Clark's Crossing Gazette in Saskatchewan showcased this video vignette highlighting their relevance in their community.

How did you celebrate National Newspaper Week? Share your efforts with us!

We are continuing to collect your celebration stories from National Newspaper Week. This week, check out the Fort Nelson News and the...

The Toronto Star joins global Trust Project

The Toronto Star, in addition to several other prominent news organizations, has joined the global Trust Project, to help improve...

Why Newspapers Matter: The Wellington Advertiser

Ever wondered how the Wellington Advertiser gets published? It takes a lot of dedicated people to produce this award-winning newspaper. From sales to ad design to journalism to circulation and carriers, the entire team works hard to produce the Wellington Advertiser each week.

Send us your stories of success from National Newspaper Week 

The Unity Wilkie Press-Herald in SK ran a full page feature opposite the national advertising creative during National Newspaper Week showcasing...