New hyper-local site launches in British Columbia

Glacier Media has unveiled a new online publication today in collaboration with Village Media, the successful Ontario-based digital news network, called...

This week’s featured course on Newspaper Training: How to Cover Elections – From A...

The-Biggest-Show-On-Earth, for journalists, has to be The Election. Any election. Federal. Provincial. Municipal. School Board. Parks Board. In all...

News Media Canada releases statement supporting The Voice of Pelham

News Media Canada has written a letter to Town of Pelham Mayor Dave Augustyn indicating its deep concern over...

Ottawa area residents to receive new community newspapers

Residents in Ottawa's west and south ends are finding a new community paper waiting in their mailbox. Four newspapers will...

Postmedia releases new database that allows Canadians to ‘follow the money’

Postmedia Network Inc. has announced the launch of the Follow the Money project, a database of political donations that brings together...

This week’s featured course on Newspaper Training: How Listicles Can Drive Readership

Listicles and Charticles and Clickbait, Oh, my! This definitely was not part of your grandfather’s lexicon. But, in the...

The Globe and Mail’s Lab 351 creating new products in culture of innovation

Lab 351, the Globe and Mail's growing innovation unit has been featured in a story this week by the...

This week’s featured course on Newspaper Training: Getting the Goods — Writing Local News...

News reporters in the old days were depicted by Hollywood, probably accurately, as pushy and persistent. In a world...

Village Media expands Rogers partnership to Ottawa

Village Media has extended its relationship with Rogers Media to a new city, using Rogers’ content and ad sales...

This week’s featured course on Newspaper Training: How to Use Social Media to Enhance...

For newspapers, social media has proven both a blessing and curse. And it is too early to decide which...