Open letter urges Ottawa to help media in digital transition

A coalition of Quebec newspapers has published an open letter to the federal government to intervene and and take...

Associations join forces to demand fair compensation for publishers and creators

Several associations, including News Media Canada, have joined forces as part of a campaign called 'I Value Canadian Stories'...

Act Now: The Canadian journalism and the newspaper industry need your help

News Media Canada, in partnership with the Department of Canadian Heritage, needs your help in building a comprehensive profile of...

Coalition of press freedom groups bestow dubious honour on Treasury Board president

News Media Canada, in partnership with the Canadian Association of Journalists, Ryerson University's Centre for Free Expression, and Canadian...

The Liberal government ignores even its own MPs on supporting Canadian news

Bob Cox, chair of News Media Canada's board of directors, has written a strongly-worded op-ed on the federal government's...

Quebec passes motion to impose Netflix tax

The Quebec parliament has passed a unanimous motion to ensure the Quebec sales tax is imposed on all foreign...

News Media Canada testifies before House of Commons committee on advertising policy

Earlier this week, John Hinds, president and CEO of News Media Canada, testified at the House of Commons Standing...

Federal government cultural policy review does little to help newspapers

Immediate assistance for newspapers, both national and local, were notably absent from the federal government's much anticipated cultural policy...

News Media Canada releases 2017 Freedom of Information Audit

News Media Canada released its 2017 National Freedom of Information Audit report earlier today, September 27, 2017. The release...

Federal cultural policy to be announced next week

Federal Heritage Minister Mélanie Joly's long-awaited review of cultural policies will be released to the public on September 28. A...