Below are answers to commonly asked questions about the Canadian Community Newspaper Awards. If you do not see your question here, or if you require more information, please contact us at
Who may compete in the Canadian Community Newspaper Awards (CCNAwards)?
The CCNAwards are open to all English and French non-daily community newspapers across Canada.
My newspaper is an associate member of News Media Canada. May I enter all categories?
Yes. Associate members may enter any category in the applicable circulation class, in the same manner as general members. The same entry fees apply for general and associate members.
May I join News Media Canada in order to be eligible for members' discounted entry fee?
Yes. To become a member of News Media Canada, contact the Member Services department at Payment of your membership fee in full must be received up front in order to be eligible for member rates in the CCNAwards. For more information about the services that News Media Canada provides, visit the Become a Member page.
Entering the Competition
When is the entry deadline?
The entry deadline for the 2024 Canadian Community Newspaper Awards is Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 11:59pm.Â
Where can I get a copy of the entry book?
Download the entry book in PDF format here. If you have trouble opening the entry book file, please email
How do I log into the online entry system?
The CCNAwards use an online entry platform allowing you to submit all your entry details and entries online. This online contest entry system is designed to make the process of entering contests quick and easy.
Once the competition has launched, there will be a link posted on the CCNAwards homepage directing entrants to the online entry site.
For digital entries, what file formats will be accepted?
PDF, DOC/DOCX, TXT, JPG, GIF, and PNG. A URL link to your website can be uploaded website entries.
Remove spaces and special characters from file names before uploading them into the entry system (e.g., News Media Canada July Issue.pdf should be News-Media-Canada-July-Issue.pdf) Do not exceed a maximum file size of 5 MB.
Which circulation figure is used for entering classes in each category?
News Media Canada uses the latest audited or sworn average total circulation figure for your edition of record. CCNAwards personnel will ensure that all entries are submitted in the correct classes.
How many entries may I submit in each category?
A maximum of three (3)Â entries per member newspaper may be submitted into EACH of the following categories for the applicable circulation class:
Premier Awards:
- Best News Story
- Best Feature Story
- Best Feature Series
- Outstanding Columnist
- Outstanding Reporter Initiative
- Best Historical Story
- Best Local Civic Journalism
- Best Local Cartoon
- Best Spot News Photo Coverage
- Best Feature News Photo
- Best Feature Photo
- Best Sports Photo
- Best Photo Essay
Special Competitions:
- Excellence in Rural Reporting
- Best Business Writing
- Best Agricultural Story
A maximum of one (1)Â entry per member newspaper may be submitted into EACH of the following categories:
Premier Awards:
- Best National Editorial
- Best Local Editorial
- Outstanding Community Service
- Best Coverage of the Arts
- Best Sports Coverage
- Best Community Newspaper Website
- Best Multimedia Feature
- Best Multimedia Breaking News Coverage
Special Competitions:
- Best Special Section
- Best Agricultural Edition
General Excellence:
- General Excellence
May I submit a work in multiple categories?
Yes, you may submit a work in multiple categories, provided that the entry meets the criteria of each selected category. For example, a feature article may be submitted in Best Feature Story and Outstanding Reporter Initiative.
If a work was published in more than one newspaper, can each newspaper submit that work?
No. Only the newspaper with the highest total circulation figure may submit that work. Any duplicates will be disqualified by CCNAwards staff, committee or judges at any time that they are discovered during the competition.
How will I be able to remember which works we submitted?
The online entry system will allow you to print copies of your entry form and entries submitted. Keep these copies in a handy location so that you can readily refer to them when we announce the winners. Due to the high volume of entries, News Media Canada is unable to trace individual entries following submission to judges.
What forms of payment does News Media Canada accept?
News Media Canada accepts payment by PayPal.
My newspaper wishes to enter the Outstanding Columnist category. However, our selected columnist only publishes a column every other week. Can we still enter?
Yes. Send three consecutive columns whether they are weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Attach an explanatory letter from the editor or publisher, explaining the circumstances.
I would like to enter the Arts Coverage category. What do I submit?
The category definition for Best Coverage of the Arts mentions that 3 to 5 different works must be submitted. A work is defined as a single story, feature, editorial, stand-alone photo, or photo essay. If a story turns onto a second page, be sure to submit both tearsheets. Similarly, if you are submitting a photo essay, submit all tearsheets on which the photo essay was published.
A full arts section, or all pages of arts coverage from an issue, will be judged as multiple works.
The premise behind this category is to showcase the best specific examples of arts coverage in your community.
How are the CCNAwards judged?
CCNAward entries are peer-judged by industry experts in print and digital news media publishing and journalism. In addition to sharing their expertise, judges can benefit from the opportunity to see the range of work being published across the country. For more information about judging, including how to participate as a judge, visit the Judge Nomination page.
What is involved in judging?
Judging involves scrutinizing all entries in print or online and assigning scores according to criteria set out by the awards committee. Scores and judges’ comments are submitted on the online entry system.
Judging is expected to take approximately three to four weeks, based on spending a couple of hours per day. Judges may ask colleagues to assist them in judging, provided that they have significant experience in the type of work being judged.
For more information about judging, including how to participate as a judge, visit the Judge Nomination page.
How can I become a judge?
To nominate yourself or a colleague as a judge, complete the judge nomination form online here. Indicate your or your candidate’s areas of expertise (e.g., editorial, advertising, etc.) so that awards staff can align them with a suitable category. More information about eligibility criteria for judges can be found on the judge nomination page.
When will the winners be announced?
The 2024 CCNAwards final standings, consisting of the top three newspapers in all categories and classes, will be announced on September 16, 2024 on this website and in News Media Canada’s industry newsletter. To subscribe to the newsletter, click here.
Sponsoring the Awards
I would like to sponsor an award. Whom do I contact?
Contact us at