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Tag: Readership

Study shows Americans rely on newspapers for local news

Americans turn to newspapers, both in print and online, more often for a wider range of information than any other news source, according to...

NADbank launches integrated newspaper planning tool

NADbank (Newspaper Audience Database) has introduced the first single-source, cross-platform planning tool for the Canadian media industry. In releasing the new program, NADbank...

CCNA delays readership study

The Canadian Community Newspapers Association's proposed national readership study project has been delayed. The study will not be proceeding at this time because the...

NADbank releases full 2010 Study Results

On a daily basis, more Canadian adults access daily newspaper websites than other media websites according to the most recent data from the Newspaper...

PEW report: Navigating News Online

The PEW Research Centre recently conducted an in-depth study designed to understand how readers navigate the digital news environment. The study examines where news consumers...