“Disappearing Headlines” ad campaign COMING SOON

News Media Canada is preparing a new ad to support the ongoing efforts for Levelling the Digital Playing Field.  During the week of February 1 we are asking publishers to participate in the Disappearing Headlines ad campaign featuring a blank front page.  Daily newspapers are asked to run the ad on Thursday February 4.

The demand for news these days has never been higher.  Canadians deserve access to news content that is researched, written and verified by professional journalists. Most Canadians can’t imagine life without a functioning and effective free press.  No one wants blank news pages but without government action to address the monopolistic practices of Google and Facebook, this is the reality we face.

The print campaign will feature a false front page with only your masthead and a bottom banner, followed by an urgent letter to the government on page 2.

Digital ad material will be available as well in leaderboard and big box formats.  All material will be available for download next week from the publisher’s toolkit on the Levelling the Digital Playing Field site.

Please confirm your participation by clicking here and let us know if you have any questions!

Let’s show Canadians what would happen if the news was not there when they needed it!