While access to high-quality journalism and credible reporting have never been more prevalent, the media’s role has never been more challenging as they face mounting pressure to increase output, produce compelling content that stands out in a 24-hour news cycle, and drive engagement.
Cision, a comprehensive communications platform helping public relations and marketing professionals around the world understand, influence and amplify their stories, released its annual State of the Media report with responses from more than 3,800 journalists from 17 global markets to understand key challenges faced in a marketplace that is rapidly evolving, and how public relations can support first-rate and trustworthy reporting.
According to the report, journalists’ biggest challenge is maintaining credibility as a trusted news source (32%) and combating accusations of “fake news.” A close second, journalists cite the impact that smaller staffs and fewer resources are having on their workloads. In fact, three in ten journalists (29%) are filing 10 or more stories per week.
You can read the full results of the study by clicking here.