An updated version of our Newspapers 24/7 presentation is now available

New research on readership habits, trust and the importance of local can be found in the Newspapers 24/7 research report, now available from the News Media Canada website here.

Four out of five Canadians (81%) continue to read newspaper content weekly in both traditional formats (printed newspapers and their e-editions) and online formats (online news sites and apps).

Data on how different generations of readers are accessing their news in different ways is featured in the updated Newspapers 24/7: 2024 chart below.

  • Adult readers up to 27 years old (Gen Z) engage with newspaper content through e-editions (35%) and news podcasts (44%) more than other generations.
  • A third (34%) of Gen Y/Millennial readers (age 28-43) use smart speakers (like Google Home or Alexa) to listen to newspaper content.
  • Gen X readers (age 44-57) are the strongest generation to read news through email newsletters from publishers.

NOTE: this chart has been revised since the original release of the presentation. Download the revised presentation by clicking here.