‘Skills for Success Day’ an important reminder about skills upgrading

September 19th marked the annual Skills for Success Day, an event initiated by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 2010 to highlight the key skills needed for learning, work and life – also known as the Skills for Success.

The Government of Canada has identified these skills as: reading, writing, numeracy, digital, problem solving, communication, collaboration, adaptability, and creativity and innovation. These skills are the foundation for learning all other skills and enable people to evolve with their jobs and adapt to change.

With the unemployment rate climbing over the past year to 6.4 per cent – the equivalent of 1.4 million Canadians – the importance of upgrading skills has never been greater. The tight post-pandemic job market is gone, resulting in fewer job opportunities. To secure meaningful, long-term employment, job-seekers must upgrade their skills.

“Skills for Success Day serves as a key reminder that the job market can change in an instant, and those who don’t have the appropriate skills may be left behind,” says Alison Howard, Executive Director of ABC Life Literacy Canada. “Enhanced skills increase employability, open up more opportunities, and can lead to higher salaries and career advancement. With technological advancements and industry shifts, staying current reduces the risk of unemployment and allows for easier career transitions.”

There are numerous ways that Canadians can improve their skills, such as through the ABC Skills Hub, a comprehensive online learning platform designed by ABC Life Literacy Canada. With more than 50 online courses to choose from, including topics from the Skills for Success, users can complete courses at their own pace, save their progress, and download course materials and reminders of what they’ve learned. The ABC Skills Hub is versatile, offering flexible delivery in community learning centers, workplaces and homes.

For more information on skills training and Skills for Success Day, visit skillsforsuccessday.ca.