Three ways to celebrate National Newspaper Week with your readers

We are a little over a week away from the start of National Newspaper Week 2024!

This is an annual opportunity, as an industry, to recognize the role that newspapers and their sites play in providing Canadians with credible, factual news and spotlight why news media continues to be a trusted source of information that is critical to our democracy.

Canadian newspapers are powered by journalists, not AI. They check the facts so you can trust what you’re reading. Trusted newspaper content is more important than ever in today’s world, where disinformation travels faster than the truth. Readers can trust what they read, and advertisers can be confident that their brand will appear next to trusted content.

Here are three ways you can celebrate with your readers.

  1. Participate in the national ad campaign. News Media Canada has produced a new ad campaign celebrating the essential work of journalists reporting on real news in communities across Canada. Please let us know if you are able to run one of the print formats in your publication the week of October 6 by clicking below.

I will participate in the National Newspaper Week ad campaign with a print ad.

  1. Publish a guest op-ed or a matte story. News Media Canada has a selection of guest op-eds (with headshots) and matte stories (with royalty-free photography) that you are welcome to publish in print or online to educate your readers and raise awareness of the critical role of newspapers in our society. Click here to view the online toolkit.
  2. Create a National Newspaper Week feature page. There are a number of resources available in our online toolkit to create a celebratory feature page using the ad creative, the 2024 logo, a matte story and even a QR code that links directly to the National Newspaper Week website. Consider selling small space ad units on your feature page to encourage local advertisers to show their support.

Click here to view the online toolkit.