Enjoy the new work from the World Press Photo Foundation’s Solutions Visual Journalism Initiative

News Media Canada is very pleased to share with you all some of the recent work undertaken by the World Press Photo Foundation, as part of their Solutions Visual Journalism Initiative.

These six projects are the product of rigorous reporting. They address the topics of universal basic income in Germany; look into a community working to restore the Gulf of California’s ecosystem; explore co-living arrangements in the Netherlands; examine renewable alternatives to Nigeria’s unstable electric infrastructure; delve into the Punan Adiu indigenous community’s regain of ownership and management of customary land in Indonesia; and document community support for LGBTQ+ migrants and mothers traveling alone with children at the Tijuana-San Diego border.

The initiative is a partnership between the World Press Photo Foundation, MIAP, the Message in a Photo foundation, and the Solutions Journalism Network.

We hope sharing them gives you some inspiration!