OP-ED: Journalism matters more than ever. We need help to save it

BY BOB COX, JERRY DIAS, AND EDWARD GREENSPON On Sept. 1, an agency of the Canadian government directed nearly $100-million...

Canada’s newspaper industry unites to advocate for Canadian Journalism Fund

News Media Canada today announced the presentation of a proposal, in support of Canadian journalism, to Minister of Canadian...

OP-ED: It’s time to save news

By Bob Cox, Chair of the Board, News Media Canada It’s time to save news. You may well ask: What on earth...

Government of Canada suspends lawsuit provision in anti-spam legislation

After much hard work on behalf of our members, News Media Canada is pleased with the decision by the...

Have you considered partnering with your local library?

Last week, The Poynter Institute published a very interesting piece on the overlap between newsrooms and libraries. The story examined...

Canadians want government advertising in newspapers: report

New research indicates that almost three-quarters of Canadians consider newspapers to be the most appropriate media for advertising information...

New Research: Community Newspapers Drive Results 2017

News Media Canada is pleased to release the 2017 follow up study that profiles community newspaper readers, explores engagement...

Announcing the winners of the 2017 Canadian Community Newspaper Awards

News Media Canada is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 Canadian Community Newspaper Awards. Each year, News...

Announcing this year’s winners of the Great Idea Awards

News Media Canada is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 Great Idea Awards. Each year, News Media Canada recognizes the...

Study finds social media users not interested in buying

Recent research from eMarketer demonstrates how Facebook users engage with ads. One key finding: many consumers just aren’t interesting...