Webinar: Learn how to handle sensitive interview subjects

On Thursday, March 26, Online Media Campus hosts a special one-hour webinar presentation on successful interview tactics in emotional...

Newspapers Canada members can attend WAN-IFRA conference for discounted rates

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) is hosting its annual conference in Washington, D.C. on June...

Media consultant Val Hoeppner joins National Conference program

As media consumption habits in Canada continue to shift and evolve, it’s important for publications in both large and...

Online Media Campus webinar: Successful interviewing in emotional situations

On Thursday, March 26, Online Media Campus hosts a special webinar presentation to help editorial staff learn how to...

Sales training expert Amie Stein joins National Conference program

Newspapers Canada is pleased to announce that industry expert Amie Stein is joining the program for this year’s National...

Get newspaper training at your fingertips with archived webinars

Looking for professional training for less? Newspapers Canada’s offers members access to over 50 unique educational webinars at the...

CJF J-Talk: Ceiling, Cracked: News Women in Charge

How do women who hold top spots in the media see their role when it comes to news coverage,...

Twitter hosts free webinar on how to drive web traffic

Did you know that Tweets with Website Cards drive 43 percent more clicks than regular Promoted Tweets with links?...

Get newspaper training at your fingertips with archived webinars

Looking for professional training for less? Newspapers Canada’s offers members access to over 50 unique educational webinars at the...

Registration is now open for the 2015 National Newspaper Conference

Newspaper representatives from across the country will gather in Toronto on Friday, May 22 for Canada’s premier newspaper industry...