Reminder: Media Credit Conference comes to Mississauga this May

Newspapers Canada’s annual Media Credit Conference will take place on May 9-10 in Mississauga, ON. The conference is open...

We’re looking for volunteers to cover INK+BEYOND in Charlottetown this May

Newspapers Canada is currently recruiting volunteer reporters and photographers to help cover the upcoming INK+BEYOND newspaper conference and trade...

New hotel rooms added for INK+BEYOND

Accommodations at the Delta Prince Edward for INK+BEYOND 2014 are booking up fast, with some nights already sold out....

Newspapers partner with Twitter to engage readers and drive revenue

“If content is king when it comes to news publishing, then distribution is queen and she’s wearing the pants,”...

Webinar: “unpublishing” online content: fairness and credibility guidelines

Editors, producers and newsroom leaders interested in learning more about the growing challenges of managing archived news stories can...

INK+BEYOND program features speaker sessions, workshops, awards galas and more!

Canada’s national newspaper conference keeps getting bigger with more speaker sessions, trade show exhibitors and networking events added each...

Social media strategists share their insights with newspaper executives on Monday, February 4

Learn about the latest exciting developments across major social platforms during Newspapers Canada’s first webinar of the season: Social...

The Globe shares its analytics success story at INK+BEYOND

The Globe and Mail is one of the first media organizations to use MOAT Analytics, a new software suite...

INK+BEYOND: Mobile experts discuss what it takes to succeed in an increasingly portable world

Mobile content is the wave of the future. This is the one of the messages that all three speakers...

CJF forum: Fear and Loathing at City Hall

On Thursday, January 19, columnists from The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and Toronto Sun will come together in...