CNA/CCNA Webinar Series continues in the New Year

Starting in January, CNA and CCNA will be offering seven new webinar presentations as part of the 2010-2011 Webinar...

Upcoming webinars cover FOI requests and ad design

Newspapers Canada’s webinar series continues in December and January with a number of engaging sessions designed for editorial and...

Expanded INK+BEYOND program includes many value-added events

In just two weeks, hundreds of delegates representing daily and community newspapers from across the country will congregate in...

Come the revolution: Media must adapt to mobile computing

 Otto Sjoberg stands on stage while a photograph of his teenage son and young daughter project onto the large...

CJF J-talk: Does The Press Gallery Matter?

Members of the Parliamentary Press Gallery recently voted unanimously to assert their right to scrum Prime Minister Stephen Harper...

Affordable professional development training at your fingertips

Newspapers Canada offers a variety of cost-effective webinars to assist newspaper staff at all levels with ongoing professional development....

CJF event focuses on climate-solutions journalism

In advance of COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow later this month, the Canadian Journalism Foundation (CJF) is holding a...

Strategies from an Australian success story

The Australian print industry isn't caving in anytime soon thanks to its readers' penchant to run marathons, eat gourmet...

CNA/CCNA Webinars: Low-cost Training for all Departments

As a way to deliver cost-effective training to members across the country, the CNA schedules a webinar series from...

Help promote World Press Freedom Day with free editorials, ads, cartoons and more

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) has released a package of free materials for newspapers to...