Webinar: What we can learn from small newspaper groups

Believe it or not, there are newspapers in the United States that are achieving steady growth, rather than participating...

The Ad Club of Toronto Newspaper Day is back!

Taking place during National Newspaper Week 2024, on Tuesday October 8, this inaugural trivia night is set to be the ultimate...

Upcoming CJF j-talk examines the role of social media in breaking news

On Thursday, February 28, the Canadian Journalism Foundation will host a journalism talk in Toronto titled The Twitter Effect:...

Register for INK+BEYOND before April 25 to save $100

Don't miss your chance to attend Canada's premier newspaper event for less! Sign up for INK+BEYOND 2014 before the...

Free Webinar: Money-Making Content Ideas for Newspapers

Join Newspapers Canada for a free one-hour webinar on Thursday, June 5, at 12:00 PM EDT, led by Candide...

Raitt to speak at World Newspaper Advertising Conference

CNA/CCNA's Suzanne Raitt, vice-president, marketing and innovation, joins a roster of speakers at the upcoming 2011 World Newspaper Advertising...

INK+BEYOND looks at cutting-edge innovation from around the world

Speakers from Asia, Australia and the United States join Canadian experts in spotlighting cutting-edge newspaper innovation at the 2011...

The Cost of Media Freedom: The voice of local media in the fight against...

The Embassy of Canada is organizing a webinar on media freedom, safeguarding local voices and quality journalism in Canada...

International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors prepare for national conference

The ISWNE 2021 conference will be held virtually July 14-17. The conference will host three sessions each day, starting...

Humanitarian crises: when and how to report

Journalists are humans too. We live and breathe stories, events and sometimes crises, so how does that come out...