Google reaches new agreement with AP

Google Inc. and The Associated Press have negotiated a licensing renewal agreement that will allow the search engine to...

Queens Park Day September 15

Publishers and editors from Ontario community newspapers are invited to attend the OCNA Queens Park Day on Wednesday September...

New publisher at Comox Valley Record

Mark Warner, president of Black Press Vancouver Island, announced that Joanna Ross will become the new publisher at the...

Sylvie Leduc named new VP of La Presse digital edition

Sylvie Leduc has been assigned to the newly created position of Executive Vice-President, digital edition of La Presse. Leduc...

Victoria Times Colonist wins Justicia award

The Victoria Times Colonist received the 2010 Justicia Award for Excellence in legal Journalism for its series on access...

Toronto Star editor visits DR of Congo with Journalists for Human Rights

Toronto Star editor Michael Cooke recently spent three weeks travelling through Ghana and the Democratic Republic of the Congo...

Print more popular with consumers than social media

Reading print media is a more important activity than social networking for British consumers, according to the latest study...

Monster purchases HotJobs from Yahoo!

Monster Worldwide Inc. has finalized a $225 million purchase of HotJobs, a leading online recruitment website, and entered into...

Transcontinental launches online flyer service

Printing and publishing company Transcontinental Inc. has launched a searchable online flyer site called The website allows consumers...

Revenue generating ideas for newspapers

Apps, monetizing social media, leveraging announcements, extending the brand into new areas and sponsorships…. these are a few of...