Webinar: 10 Tips to Rock Your Next Video Story

Video is a part of our digital storytelling toolbox that will continue to grow over the next five years. Mobile phones make it easy to shoot and share our video stories. In this session, Val Hoeppner will share 10 tips that will make your video story stronger, audio better and video more compelling. This session […]

Facebook groups webinar

Facebook groups have increasingly become a more important part of the Facebook environment. Many newsrooms have also started group as a more personal way to connect with readers. There are […]

Webinar: Stop The Drop: Five Ways to Grow Your Obituary Category

Obituaries and newspapers: Once, these two always went together, and this relationship provided publishers with a powerful traffic driver and an unbeatable revenue stream. But today’s readers face unique economic […]

Keeping Subscribers Happy

Research has shown that subscribers that feel like they are part of a membership program are 48% more likely to retain. The Providence Journal has started a few subscriber-only efforts […]

Mobile Apps for Journalists

Our journalists use their phones more than ever to report the news. What are must-have mobile apps to help them do their jobs? Learn about the favorites of reporters who […]


Over 90% of breaches are caused by human error. That is why it is critical to build cyber security awareness at your organization. This presentation is an introduction to cyber […]

Classifieds 2020

The best new ideas to bring your Classifieds back to life! Why is it some papers are thriving with pages of Auto display, while others aren’t? Why do some papers […]

Around The Newspaper Legal World in 60 Minutes

In this webinar, Michael Zinser will cover the following 3 topics: • Newsroom Union Organizing – Newsrooms have been organized at many newspapers, large and small, including The Missoula (Montana) […]


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