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Fact Sheet: New snapshot on daily newspapers now available

A new fact sheet from News Media Canada provides a snapshot of the daily newspaper industry with data on circulation, revenue and readership. At the end of...

One in five new vehicle buyers does not use the Internet

In a recent survey of 2,400 Canadians it was revealed that one in five new vehicle buyers does not use the Internet at any stage of...

Consumers not comfortable with online behaviour tracking

Online users are routinely tracked online and almost nine out of ten (86%) realize this tracking is used to deliver ads. According to the Statista...

Canadians want government advertising in newspapers

More than seven out of Canadians want to see advertising for government programs and services in newspapers, based on a survey of more than...

Net advertising revenue in Canada almost $13 billion in 2016

In 2016, total advertising spending from major reported media accounted for almost $13 billion, up almost 5% over 2015. Internet advertising continues to climb, placing...

Canada ranks third globally for ad blocking

Last year, Canada ranked third globally for ad blocking, with 15% of online display ads being blocked by desktop and mobile users.  Top reasons...

They’re here: News Media Canada house ads now available

The time has come. A few weeks ago, we recently rolled out our splashy new logo. Now, we've got more treats for you, our...

Marketers seek greater transparency for digital ads

Digital ad fraud is a significant global problem affecting open exchanges as well as premium and private exchanges. This benchmark study, done with online fraud...

Digital advertising in Canada continues to grow, data shows

The biggest challenge for advertising professionals and marketers in the online world is staying on top of an ever-shifting marketplace that continues to grow. Data...

Canadians trust newspaper advertisements: study

Canadian research from the recent study, Community Newspapers Drive Results 2017 confirms that printed and digital newspapers are considered the most trusted media for...