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New in research: 2021 Edelman Global Trust Barometer now available

The 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer shows that now more than ever, people are unsure where to turn to for trustworthy information. Trust for news sources reached...

Local news media connect consumers to their communities

Recent research reveals that consumers have a high level of trust for local community newspapers. Consumers look to community newspapers for essential news about...

News media advertisements are the most trusted

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadians have been starved for trusted news that they can rely on, and many have been turning to news media...

Research shows consumers engage with trustworthy platforms

According to the Global Web Index data published in Strategy, 95 per cent of people have been spending more time consuming media content in 2020....

Research: Traditional media more trusted than social media

Now in its fifth year, Proof’s CanTrust Index is a leading source of research and understanding of trust in Canada. Trust is critical, now more than...

The Urban vs Rural Divide: How does geography influence media consumption...

New research from AdCanada Media confirms that media plans should be taking into account that a universally applied strategy will not result in universal access...

Research: More than half of Canadians trust news media for Coronavirus...

A poll by the Angus Reid Institute in March 2020 finds that 55% of Canadian adults trust news media for information about COVID-19. Older respondents...

Canadians say professional journalism is essential given the Coronavirus outbreak and...

Almost two in three Canadians say that the federal government should treat media bankruptcies as an emergency, says a new report from Friends of...

Audience attitude survey identifies most trust news brands: Vividata research

In a recent INMA blog post, we find that Vividata research provides an opportunity to segment and examine newspaper audiences based on more than...

Two-thirds trust Traditional Media for news and information, new research shows

Trust continues to be an essential measure for success and the latest Edelman Trust Barometer results reinforce this.  Trusted companies have stronger consumer buyers and advocates...