BC and Yukon Community NewsMedia Association

*Associate Member

The BCYCNA is a non-profit membership organization representing community newspapers throughout British Columbia and the Yukon. We’ve existed as an organization since 1922, and today we boast a membership of 98 newspapers, with a combined readership of almost 2 million. The smallest newspaper circulates less than 1000 copies each week, and the largest, more than 100,000.  For information about our service and how you can become a member, visit bccommunitynews.com.

Contact: George Affleck, General Manager
9 West Broadway
Vancouver, B.C.  V5Y 1P1

Telephone: 604-669-9222
Fax: 604-684-4713
Email: info@bccommunitynews.com
Web: www.bccommunitynews.com