How do Canadians read newspapers digitally?

Newspapers 24/7 research released this year confirms that Canadian adults continue to read newspapers – four out of five adults (81%) report accessing newspaper content in traditional or online formats throughout the course of a week. 

Digital access has driven readership.

There are many ways to access newspaper content digitally through various platforms, including phones, computers and tablets. Six out of ten (59%) adults read newspaper content online – specific articles on websites or apps – surrounded by digital ad formats like leaderboards, big boxes, tall blocks, etc.

25% of Canadians read digital e-editions.

A quarter of the population reads newspapers in an increasingly popular digital format known as newspaper e-editions (the digital version of a printed newspaper accessed online). E-editions grew in popularity during the pandemic and many print newspaper subscriptions now include access to the digital e-edition.

In 2022, 22% of adults reported reading newspaper e-editions; two years later, that number has grown to 25%.